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Piusi IBC Mounted Oil Pump Kit
The CTS single channel fuel tank alarm system provides the user with the choice of setting the alarm to alert of either a high level, low level or bund leak depending upon their requirements. This level and bund alarm is a simple and cost effective solution when the user only requires to be alerted of one scenario, therefore making the multi-zone tank level alarm over-specified.
Available in either mains or battery power, the single channel fuel tank alarm has a clear, descriptive seven segment LED display that informs the user of the activated tank state. Both versions feature a test button that will activate the 90dB sounder and flash the display showing the current configuration of the tank level alarm, and a mute button to silence the sounder. The battery powered version has a low battery warning to give notice that the battery needs changing.
The mains powered version has the additional feature of a volt-free relay for connecting the fuel storage tank alarm to another piece of equipment on-site such as a building management system, or another mains powered single channel alarm allowing the alarm status to monitored remotely for example in the office. Whilst commonly used as a diesel tank alarm, it is also suitable for use with a range of fluids such as water, waste oil and chemicals
The Camlock Dust Plug has either 1” or 2” male plug.
This stainless steel elbow fitting is available in sizes ranging from 1/2" - 4" M x F. Smaller sizes available on request.
ISO 7-1 BSPT Male x ISO 228-1 BSPP Female. CF8M 316 Stainless Steel.
Malleable Black Iron 45 degree elbows. Stock sizes from 1/2" to 2" BSP. Larger sizes on request.